BC Children's Hospital Mascot design
Industry project between BCCH and CDM during the summer semester of 2024 included creating a prototype for a way-finding app within the hospital. Designed mascot characters for a children's wayfinding app, enhancing user engagement and creating a child-friendly experience.

To design the mascots, I had to study and understand the hospital and it's environment to be able to create characters that blend in with the environmental design currently existing, as well as having the right amount of eye catching elements for people to notice.
After studying, We started coming up with divergent ideas for the mascots.
Mascot Design: The Process

We struggled with whether or not we should use animals as our mascots. As of the time of working on this project, the BCCH had a "Critter system" integrated for visitors to easily locate their location and destination. We didn't want our mascots to get mixed with these animals, so we tiptoed around the idea by testing with animals that were not used in the system.
We also tried to see what would happen if we brought natural elements into play.
animal or not?

We decided to pivot from animals and focus on natural elements. the BCCH logo was the inspiration for this. with this, we started trying out different elements and also different art styles to see which one fits our target audience the most.
Getting inspiration from the logo

With teamwork and good client communication, we managed to create mascots that would be beneficial for the hospital way-finding app.
With the mascots designed, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and created a 3D model for one of the mascots to be used in the way-finding app.
Final Design and an extra step